I can't possibly clean up my hard drive. I'm too emotionally invested.

What? No space available on Drive C:? It's amazing how quickly 80GB goes nowadays. No problem, I'll just empty my recycle bin. That got me... three megabytes. Hmm. I've got a long way to go.
I'll have to delete some of these old programs. Let's see here ... Baldur's Gate II? No WAY! When I last played it two months ago I just made it through that ridiculously hard Planar Sphere level. God as my witness, I will someday finish that game. Someday. Same with Morrowind. Those are staying.
Let's see, that brings us to SimCity 4. No way I'm deleting that! I'd lose Slumsburg, and Hovelton. I spent hours building those. Or my favorite, the big metropolis known as "Fat Jack's Whorehouse Crack City." I have a high-speed rail line linking it to My Anus, thanks to my roommate's city naming schemes. No, Sim City 4 stays.
Of course I've got to keep Battlefield 1942. It would take hours of downloading and installing to reinstall all the mods I've put on that thing. Same with ... uh ... Half-Life. And all three Quake games, which are still on here. No sir, they're going to stay.
Wow. Damn. I guess there's nothing left to do but to start deleting my 21 gigs of adult movies. Technology = pain.

......NO! I just can't do it. I'm going to go out and buy a second 80GB hard drive. That'll keep me going for at least two months.
Score: 8.58; Total Votes: 2,370 as of 2009-12-09.