My Approach to Playing Light Gun Games Is One-part Tj Hooker, One Part MTV's Jackass

These light gun games? You know how easy it is to play two-player by yourself? That's a trick I learned from TV. I soon discovered the sublime beauty of holding guns akimbo. Then I got Action Half-Life, where I learned the subtle joys of jumping through plate glass windows, arms extended, and rolling across the floor. Now I was PLAYING.
But, even then, I didn't really have any technique. I'd flip over the couch, scream "BUSTED MUTHAFLUBBA!" But ... I had no style, you know? It was all slop. But that all changed when I discovered MTV's Jackass.
Nowadays I start a new level, then I put pillows all over my body like a big fat suit, cover myself with leeches, strap on a snowboard, then come tearing into the room on a red wagon with a fake plastic baby doll in a car seat on the front yelling things while my friends videotape me, light guns blasting away.
Frankly, my scores have dropped, and I've spent several days hospitalized, but c'mon. The man has STYLE.
Victim Idea submitted by GameSpy Reader Talon112.

Okay, quick, for this next level I'm going to need a leafblower and a bag of flour.
Score: 6.3; Total Votes: 1,437 as of 2009-12-09.
Stella, No! You Push Down to Crouch, Then Press High-punch to Uppercut!
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