My Ingenious Plan to Win the Instagib Match by Re-routing the Air Conditioners Has Backfired

Well, as you no-doubt heard from this afternoon's fiasco, Crenshaw had to go to the hospital 'cuz I accidentally fired a pencil through his hand with my careful manipulation of the office air conditioning system.
On the upside, I won the daily InstaGib game. On the downside, I thought that law enforcement might get involved, so to cover my tracks I crawled back up into the air vents to remove any trace of my ingenious hamster-tubing.
Unfortunately, I seem to have wedged myself in a narrow duct here, and I can't seem to back out. I'm not claustrophobic, but, the air conditioner is still running and I'm FREEZING in here!
I don't see any way out of this one — someone's going to have to come in and rescue me. I might as well holler for help.
For crying out loud, why doesn't someone answer? My voice has got to be carrying all over the building — I can hear it reverberating through the ducts.
"HAAAAALLLLLPPPP!!" Is anyone there? Where the hell are the night shift tech support guys?
I can hear them echoing around the walls despite the pills I've been
taking maybe I should cut back on the coffee I've had three or four pots
this evening but then again that's no more than normal I think maybe
some Cola will help me ignore them or perhaps some more banging on the
walls GO AWAY VOICES! Stop making me do things I will paint my windows
black and hum until the noises stop.

Wha? Who's making all that banging down there? Why doesn't he just send help? The louder I shout the louder that freak hums. I just shouted for him to get me some food and he walked into the kitchen like a robot and made himself a sandwich.
Score: 8.42; Total Votes: 1,254 as of 2009-12-09.