Look, I Just Design Websites. I Won't Be Your Girlfriend.

Hello there, thanks for writing. I'm glad you like my website design. The answer, unfortunately, is no — I won't be your girlfriend.
Also, while I may in fact look like an anime goddess, I do not own a missile launcher, nor can I fly. I wear these metal things in my hair because they look cool, especially online. Same with the purple eye makeup.
I did not come from outer space to mate with you.
My hair isn't naturally purple; I dyed it that way. I'm afraid I didn't know it was your lifelong dream when I did it; I thought it would make some great digital pics. Speaking of which, I do not operate a 24-hour webcam. I just design websites. Sorry!

Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so harsh. But, cheer up, if I was from outer space and was trying to mate with the human race for the survival of my purple-haired anime species, you'd be near the top of my list. 'strue.
Score: 7.08; Total Votes: 1,911 as of 2009-12-09.