A Brief but Illustrated Update on the Daily Victim

Yo Readers! Since it's taken forever to relaunch the site I thought I'd give you an update about what's happening here in the land of the victimized. The problem turned out not so much to be finding a new artist (I've got the man. And I mean that: he's the man. I don't just mean he's a man, as opposed to a horse.)
The real issue is getting the feature compatible with the new GameSpy site, which now runs under a content management system. The old victim code, with its custom voting script and other goodness, doesn't play nice with our new systems. You can still check out the archives. But the new site ... well, I had to get some more people involved. It's taken forever. My bad. Should you see me in the street, you're welcome to kick me in the gut as payback.
That said, I've got stories written, and I've got a cast of characters together that'll make the new feature really stand out. I think you'll like it. Expect results shortly after I get back from vacation in July. Meet the new crew!
Thanks for your patience. Keep sending in those ideas!