So, you'd like to camp planes with us in Battlefield 1942? You'll have to fill out some of this paperwork.

No, relax, it's just a formality. This is a 64-player server and in the evenings its packed, so before we allow just anyone to camp the airplane spawns for the entire time we like them to submit an application. We want to make sure that you'll mesh well with the rest of us, right? That is to say, the other dozen of us ALSO camping the plane spawn. Hour after hour. Ignoring the rest of our team. Or the mission objectives. Anyways, on to the form!
NAME: ____________________
Translated name for
those of us who
can't read l33t:
Rank (Check one):
___ Newb
___ Total Newb
___ Longtime Newb
___ Career Newb
Preferred Class:
___ Assault
___ Anti-Tank
___ What's the one
with the bazooka?
Which plane do you want to camp?
___ Teh fighter
___ Teh bomber
___ Can't tell difference
Can you actually FLY a plane?
___ No
___ Oh hell no
___ Never been in one
How many ENEMY planes have
you shot down?
___ 0 ___ 1 ___ 2
How many friendly planes have
you shot with the bazooka
because you couldn't get in them?
___ 1-5 ___ 6-10 ___ All
Have you ever successfully taken
off from an aircraft carrier?
___ Yes
___ No
___ Mostly
___ Need clarification on
the term "Taken off"
How often do wound or damage
teammates due to friendly fire?
___ Rarely
___ 5-10 times per round
___ 10-20 times per round
___ Most of the round
___ For the entire round
___ Unable to distinguish
them to begin with
Have you ever touched a girl?
___ Rarely
___ 5-10 times per round
___ For the entire round
___ Unable to distinguish
them to begin with
___ Guh- Guuh — uuhh
And finally, why have you decided
to camp planes with us this
___ Ran out of detpacks to
place under friendly tanks
___ Need something to not
pay attention to while
talking on the phone
___ So called "Strategy" or
"Tactics" confuse me; much
easier to sow discord
___ Own motivations perplex
even myself
Please fill out your answers above, tie the survey to a grenade, and throw it through the window of our headquarters. Thanks!
[Daily Victim idea submitted by GameSpy reader Sam Sutton. Thanks Sam!]

Hmmm ... you filled the whole thing out in Crayon. And then ate the crayon.
You'll fit in well here!
Score: 9.01; Total Votes: 2,322 as of 2009-12-09.