Extra extra! Read about it here! 5 slain in briefcase-camping incident!

Extra! Extra! Five slain in Soldier of Fortune II Multiplayer Test during what police are calling a "possible camping-related fatality." Details hazy regarding multiple homicide over small attache.

Less than a minute after the round started [PFB]WhamDoodles — believed to be numbered among the dead — shouted for help in the kitchen over teamchat. Police ballistics expects suspect the room was then spammed with grenades, leading to unconfirmed reports of the assaulting team being "TOTAL WHORES."

FireDude1160, sole survivor of the camping incident that followed, denies reports that he was a whiny little bitch. "I have not, nor have ever been, a whiny little bitch," he told reporters. "I'm merely reiterating documented proof that they were like TOTALLY camping the briefcase."

"You bunch of pussies," he later added.

[JK]Bungh0le, alleged camper, denies any wrongdoing. "You're SUPPOSED to guard the briefcase," he claimed in a written statement to the press. "Duh." He also claims that during the time of the alleged camp he was all up in FireDude's juice, gunning that whiny bitch down in the hallway. Witnesses can neither confirm nor deny the degree to which Bungh0le was all up in the juice of his opponent.

FireDude's juice remains unavailable for comment.

Victim Pic Small

Extra! Extra! Camping whores gunned down in suspected juice-upping! Grenade Spammers lobby for additional ammo! READ ALL ABOUT IT!

Score: 7.84; Total Votes: 1,687 as of 2009-12-09.

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