Please! Wear Headphones When You Play Tribes 2 — You're Ruining Godfather Night!

Every year, right before finals, I get the whole gang together to watch the entire Godfather triology back to back. It's a tradition passed down from — uh — when I got here. And now I'm a senior. It's my last Godfather night before I head off into the big world. And if you keep playing Tribes 2 with the volume cranked like that, you're going to RUIN IT!
For instance, how about that opening scene. This is exactly how it went down:

...and you didn't need a friend of me. But uh, now you come to me and you say — "Don Corleone NEED A TAILGUNNER." — But you don't ask with respect.
Score: 7.97; Total Votes: 1,417 as of 2009-12-09.