Please! Wear Headphones When You Play Tribes 2 — You're Ruining Godfather Night!

Every year, right before finals, I get the whole gang together to watch the entire Godfather triology back to back. It's a tradition passed down from — uh — when I got here. And now I'm a senior. It's my last Godfather night before I head off into the big world. And if you keep playing Tribes 2 with the volume cranked like that, you're going to RUIN IT!

For instance, how about that opening scene. This is exactly how it went down:

Victim Pic Small

...and you didn't need a friend of me. But uh, now you come to me and you say — "Don Corleone NEED A TAILGUNNER." — But you don't ask with respect.

Score: 7.97; Total Votes: 1,417 as of 2009-12-09.

Mr. Jacobson, You Need to Spend More Time Researching Your Papers and Less Time Playing Tribes 2. Furthermore, You Have No Jetpack Skillz.

You Kids Wouldn't Happen to Know Why Our Swimming Pool Is Empty and Covered with Skate-board Marks, Would You?

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