Friend, Consider These Money-saving Tips

Memory cards cost mucho buck-ets. Simply pause your game and leave it on. Forever, if neccessary.
Used games are a ripoff. They give you $5 to turn one in, yet charge up to $30 when you buy those exact same games from them. Instead, simply stand outside and offer customers $10 for their used games. Everybody wins! You will need a variety of different hats, wigs, and fake mustaches to do this in front of the same store for more than a couple hours.
Get as many girlfriends as possible shortly before your birthday. Dump them before theirs.
New controllers cost money. Break yourself of the habit of biting them between rounds of Tony Hawk.
Consider charging your no-good friend Stu a quarter everytime he plays a round of Tekken.
Overcome your costly "food" addiction.

Plus, Fargo paid me $5 bucks to write this week's victim for him. Score!
Score: 7.62; Total Votes: 1,410 as of 2009-12-09.