No Cringer, You Sniveling Whore, You're Supposed to Eat the Villagers!

By the power of mutha[censored]Greyskull, when will my [censored] Tiger ever learn that it's supposed to EAT the [censored] villagers? FOR THE LOVE OF ME!

The game is called Black and White, but in the case of my dumbass Tiger, they should call it Black and Stupid. You get to raise these little pipsqueak creatures to do your bidding, right? When Cringer was a cub I caught him eating my prized livestock, so, you know, I gave him the thrashing of his [censored]ing life. I rained down the smack like Iraq. If this game had a choke hold, I woulda used it.

Anyways, the little [censored] was scarred for life. For instance, one time he was hungry so I handed him a big fat pig, and he just patted it softly on the head and then set it gently on the ground. And he won't even go near the cows — runs away screaming and hides on the other side of the lake like a pussy. (Although, I guess, technically he is.) All he eats is grain. That's right.


Yeah, lots of fun in a fight, you know, having the Tiger on your side politely requesting a [censored] veggieburger. One time I picked him up and threw his scrawny ass into the enemy village. "KILL!" I ordered him, waving my finger frantically across the screen. "MAIM! CRUSH! DESTROY! CHEW! DEFACE! SWALLOW! RAZE! PUT THE KIBOSH ON THOSE BITCHES!"

He then proceeded to pick up a small enemy child and reunite it with its weeping mother.



[Daily Victim idea Inspired by Orange Coke in the PlanetBlackAndWhite Forums]

Victim Pic Small

Do not play ball with the children! Put the ball down! That's it, now, pick up a boulder, and heave it into the market square — no — no, don't help the beggar. I'm going to KILL you and EAT your moist, pulsing, LIVER.

Score: 8.6; Total Votes: 2,597 as of 2009-12-09.

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