Watch Me Now as I Sing along with the Deus Ex Theme!

Duuuuuhhhh da da daduh
da daaaaaaaaaa dada duh
Duuuuuhhhh da da daduh
da deeeeeeeeee dooo do do!
Dooooooooo do do do do000 — oodleooo
Dooooo do do dooo — oodlleaa-ayy
da dabadaba da DA DAAA DAA!
Now with the violins! It's all soft now!
Oh yeah — in the back — that's right!
It's a conspiracy, it's all scary, oh ooOOhhhh,
sooo scary — are you ready with the techno?
This is the part where I break it down! Now it's real!
[deep breath]
But heavy with the drums .. oohhh,
oh the banging ... now, hit it — hold that note —
Creepy! Oh yeah, it's creepy!
[Wipes forehead]
WHhheee-eeo! That was good. Did you get all that?
'Cuz I can do it again.

*pant pant pant* Okay, load up the first level, I'm going to do my 'sneaking through the statue of Liberty' groove-busting and down-getting.
Score: 4.81; Total Votes: 1,778 as of 2009-12-09.
I Have Sewn the Seeds of Mass Hysteria on My Unreal Tournament Server!
Thank You for the Cards and Letters I Received regarding the Alien Popping Out of My Stomach