I Have Sewn the Seeds of Mass Hysteria on My Unreal Tournament Server!

For over a year I've been running the fastest, most reliable UT server on the net. But it was all part of my master plan! A false sense of reliability! When those poor bastards logged in this afternoon, sure, there was a new map to download and some changes to the server, but they probably thought nothing of it. Until they started to play. Mwa-haha!

So here's this guy firing the shock rifle. He keeps pulling the trigger and hearing the sound effect, but he can't see any results. Little does he suspect that I've coded the shock rifle to FIRE BEAMS OUT OF HIS ASS! Watch him turn around, confused, to discover that he just mowed down six of his teammates! Ho ho HOOO!

Try as they might, his teammates can't warn him because all team-chat messages go to the opposite team.

Oh no, that blue guy has made the mistake of pressing the "Gravity Eraser Button." OH LOOK AT THE ANTICS! Well, fortunately many of them will survive the whirling blades that I've put on the ceiling, but not many will survive the ensuing fall when the gravity randomly turns back on.

Any moment they'll discover the "fill the level with lava" button. Oh well, if they don't, it'll happen anyway as soon as someone foolishly picks up the redeemer. JUST LOOK AT THEIR FACES!!

Victim Pic Small

Hahahahahohohohohohhahah —
oh — oh yes!
The magnetic flag is the best part!

Score: 8.52; Total Votes: 1,864 as of 2009-12-09.

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