Who Makes This Thing?
The Daily Victim is the brainchild of Dave "Fargo" Kosak, who has since enlisted (read: brainwashed) the help of Lemuel "HotSoup" Pew. HotSoup does all the art and Fargo does all the writing. Be sure to read how it all works to see how Fargo uses he army of amphibious piranhas to keep the Soup in line.
Dave "Fargo" Kosak
realized early in life that he wanted to be a Space Marine. However, our
foolish political leaders continue to hem and haw and refuse to arm our
people with a military space force — must we wait until it's too late?
When will they learn!? Also, he had eyesight problems that prevent him
from being an astronaut. Instead, Fargo became a writer — a gaming
journalist who's been active in the online gaming community since the
days of Quake. Fargo was GameSpy's first employee, resulting in a
company culture that continues to resemble beanbag toss day at the
Lemuel "HotSoup" Pew
Here we
have the resident artist known as Hot Soup. Banished from his sacred
brotherhood of underground assassins, only because he won't take off
that silly hat, Soup now works as the artistic counterpart to Fargo.
Spending many late nights scribbling out whatever ridiculous ideas might
pour from the brains of these two, Soup does his best to represent
hilarity in pictorial form. His ultimate goal in life is to find "The
Very Funny Shape," a special polygon that brings reams of gut-wrenching
laugher to anyone unfortunate enough to catch it out of the corner of
the eye. The Soup spent the last couple years putting his artwork
online, and his credentials include, but are not limited to, the online
comics Lethal
Mike "Gabriel" Krahulik
first 300 or so Victims in the archives were the work of this immensely
talented artist, who has since moved on to other things. "Gabe," as he
is known, was artifically created in an enormous, bubbling vat,
surrounded by blinking lights that have little to no significance. After
his career as a zeppelin pilot was cut tragically short, he pursued the
life of an artist. Since then he teamed up with Jerry "Tycho" Holkins
and together they founded
an awesome gaming comic strip, as well as The
which can best be described as "open-source cartooning." Gabe used to do
much of the illustration work for GameSpy.com and his work still sorta
sets the "feel" of the site. Blame him.